ReFRESH Procedures


This chapter contains the standard operating procedures for staff working within the ReFRESH service, which is the substance misuse early help/targeted and treatment service based within Integrated Youth Services.

ReFRESH is a young people's substance misuse service providing free and confidential support to young people under 19 to reduce or stop using alcohol or drugs (drugs may be illegal, legal, prescription or over the counter medicines). ReFRESH also works directly with families affected by parental substance misuse and is an information repository for parents, carers and professionals across Hull.

All the associated forms can be found in the forms library.

This chapter was added to the manual in December 2013. It replaces the previous ReFRESH chapters.

Click on the links below to access the required procedure:

Office Working: Lone working

Office Working: Telephone and Answer Machine

Multi-Disciplinary Team Meetings (MDTs)

Confidentiality, Competence to Consent and Information Sharing

Assessment and Integrated Care Planning (Young People)

Treatment (T3) Interventions

Early Help Assessment and Integrated Care Planning (Parents/Carers) – forthcoming

Early Help/Targeted (T2) Interventions – forthcoming

Planned Completion and Transfer of Care – forthcoming

Safeguarding Children and Young People