Request for Information from the Police

A request for the Police to undertake a check on an adult may be made in the following circumstances:

  • Where there are concerns raised about an adult living in a household, or who has recently moved into a household where there is a child in need;
  • On an adult in a household, or an adult who moves into a household where a child is living who is subject to a child protection plan;
  • On adults living in a household where a child subject to a child protection plan or a looked after child is going to stay overnight;
  • On an adult staying in a foster carer household or frequently visiting a foster carer household, or babysitting for a looked after child;
  • On a relative caring for a child as a family and friends carer;
  • On adults in a household where a child is privately fostered.

This is not an exhaustive list but gives an indication of some of the circumstances in which Police Checks are requested. A request for a Police check is made on the Request For Police Check form (on Liquidlogic) by a Team Manager or Group Manager to Police Public Protection Unit Detective Inspector or Detective Sergeant. The form should be emailed to the Police Protection Unit SPOC box with the heading of 'Request for Police Check.' Consent of the person about whom the check is required will always be sought by the social worker unless to do so would place a child at increased risk of harm.