Scheme of Delegation
In October 2019, this document, which provides an overview of authority for decision making with the Children and Families Service, was updated as required to reflect changes to job titles across the city.1. Introduction to the Scheme of Delegation
The Scheme of Delegation provides guidance about which level of management or posts have authority for decision making within the Localities and Safeguarding section of Children and Family Services. This including financial and resource decisions which are made to support to children and families. The posts listed indicate the lowest level at which decisions can be made but do not preclude decision making at a higher level if decisions are based on complex or exceptional situations.
This Scheme of Delegation should be used in conjunction with children's services procedures and Hull Safeguarding Children's Partnership Guidelines and Procedures, and with reference to legislation relating to children and families.
Staff should refer to Hull City Council's wider procedures for information on delegations in relation to Human Resources and Business Support decisions, Council Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and processes for Cabinet and Elected member decision making.
"If in doubt, consult"
"If you don't know, ask" |
2. Notes/Abbreviations
DCS | Director of Children's Services |
AD | Assistant Director |
GM | Group Manager |
HOS | Head of Service |
IRO | Independent Reviewing Officer |
EDT | Emergency Duty Team |
ADM | Agency Decision Maker |
VHT | Virtual Head Teacher |
MASA | Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements |
HSCP | Hull Safeguarding Children's Partnership |
The delegations are defined by post/management level, which applies across all sections of the service, hence exact title of post may vary but the same schema / level of delegation should be applied.
*Team Managers - applies to EDT staff and also where this has been mutually agreed and recorded within PPD / supervision with due to substantial experience/professional development of other Level 3 workers.